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Vegas Pro 12.0 Build 563, 726, 770 繁體中文化









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發表於 2019-8-2 09:58:02 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
【軟體名稱】:Sony Vegas Pro 12.0 (Build 563 )專業影像編輯軟體
【軟體下載】:Vegas Pro 12.0 Build 563 繁體中文化(檔案大小 :15.33mb)

【軟體名稱】:Sony Vegas Pro 12.0 (Build 726 )
【軟體下載】:】:Vegas Pro 12.0 Build 770 繁體中文化(檔案大小 :15.78mb)

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( 參考網友分享安裝及中文化教學  )

【軟體名稱】:Sony Vegas Pro 12.0 (Build 726 ) 專業影像編輯軟體
【軟體下載】:Vegas Pro 12.0 Build 726 繁體中文化(檔案大小 :15.78mb)

在中文化前請確認已經 Keygen完成,也就是說已經正式受權啟開用 ( 啟用工具請自行在網頁搜尋:
Sony Products Multikeygen v2.1 Keygen and....)
( 參考網友分享安裝及中文化教學 )



Sony Vegas Pro 12.0
Sony Vegas™PRO 12是一個整合的,前瞻性的生產環境,為新一代的創意專業人士設計的。
結合周到的工作流程創新與數百熟悉的賽道為主的時間表,Sony Vegas Pro12是一個令人耳目一新的,現代化的做法,後期製作。
支援更多的格式,工作流程,比以往任何時候都更富有創造性的控制,Sony Vegas Pro12可以很容易地傳遞訊息和表達自己的藝術視野。

Sony Vegas Pro12介面提供了一系列令人印象深刻的創新工具和體貼設施,與一個完全可定制的工作空間,達到廣大範圍的生產任務。
中嵌套Vegas Pro項目的時限內,自訂和儲存快捷鍵,和使用的應用程式的腳本來自動執行重複性任務。

Sony Vegas Pro12採用了先進的外掛程式體系結構的OpenFX標準的基礎上,從領先的視覺效果外掛程式VFX開發數百個可選取的效果。
親子軌道和複雜的2D和3D合成模式提供了一個功能強大的,靈活的效果環境。形狀的屏蔽工具和FX屏蔽功能是新的Sony Vegas Pro12,以及外掛程式的彩色符合,快速符合的彩色特徵,從一個剪輯到另一個。


匯入和匯出廣泛的項目檔案和Sony Vegas Pro12。內建的軟體可以轉換之間的本地蔬菜使用Avid®使用ProTools®10,XML為蘋果公司®的Final Cut Pro®7的Final Cut Pro X(出口)的DaVinci Resolve 8,和。prproj的對Adobe的檔案和AAF ®首映®PRO CS6和After Effects®CS6。

多個UI更新將說明新使用者熟悉與Vegas Pro的12,以及改善目前的Sony VegasPro使用者的編輯經驗。在增強內含:(1)新的工具列圖示分割,(2)黃色邊框勾勒出最近剪輯的時間軸上,(3)時間安排事件的藍色手柄,使其更容易抓住各種互動活動改性劑(4)更全面的工具提示,描述不只是名稱的工具,但也什麼工具。

新的鍵盤快捷鍵,只有視訊或音訊修剪,快速的「L-削減」和「J-削減。」同時褪色的音訊和視訊分組的事件。已搬遷事件FX,產生的媒體和時間安排事件的泛作物上的圖示的底部邊緣,以避免不小心點擊它們,而修邊的事件。 A調整的起點,終點模式迅速修剪的開頭或結尾的事件的基礎上游標的位置。選取一個時間表,從下拉選單中選取「裁剪」(CTRL + T)去除周圍介質的選取。邊緣處理使用對照色,使選取更為顯著,提高概括是用來做事件的選取,分組和同步鏈路組更加明顯。

Sony Vegas Pro12加入原生格式支援松下P2 AVC-Intra和DVCPRO源材料,提高其突破性的「轉碼,無需重新包裝的」遺產。通過消除轉碼和重新包裝過程中所需的一些競爭對手,Sony Vegas Pro12使用者可以節省寶貴的生產時間,減少存儲需求,並保留原始質量的原始材料。其他原生支援的編解碼器和格式,內含HDCAM-SR™™XDCAM,XDCAM EX,NXCAM,AVCCAM,RED®R3D,AVCHD,AVC,MOV檔案從流行的數位單反相機。對於3D內容的製作,立體3D MVC和MPO檔案從索尼攝影機也都支援。

數以百計的周到,創新的特點,Sony VegasPro12市場上最流暢的和直觀的編輯平台之一。視覺確認事件對搬移剪輯時,在時間軸上的緊密合作,在使用者自訂的「辟劈啪啪」的工具,以確保您的媒體精確地放置在你需要它,用子幀精度的手。同步剪輯的重新同步在按下一個按鈕,通過搬移或滑動的音訊或視訊。插入音訊或視訊信封上你的時間安排的活動,以互動模式控制立體聲或環繞聲的聲像,音量和事件的速度。加得多,等等。

Sony Vegas Pro12軟體本身支援的幀大小為4096×4096。數位電影放映4K圖像標準是4096 x 2160像素。這一層級的解析度提供了更多的細節和彈性水平和作物。它是合成效果和視訊效果工作的理想選取,因為它提供了高品質的最終輸出。Sony Vegas Pro12軟體也原生支援RED ONE®RED EPIC®檔案。開啟並編輯。R3D檔案,直接在時間軸上。

在編輯過程中的時間線事件之間建立層次關係。 「兒童」與「家長」的剪輯的剪輯可以獨立搬移時間軸上的,而搬移母公司剪輯也將孩子夾在完美的同步。

編輯多攝影機製作直觀,高效地為您播放您的項目,通過指定拍攝。多達32個視訊源用鍵盤指令或點選滑鼠之間切換。Sony Vegas Pro12軟體儲存所有未使用的鏡頭,這樣你就可以很容易地延伸多攝影機追蹤到元件事件,使得它更容易看到的視訊是在Sony Vegas的項目和完善的編輯。

更好的播放 – 更快的編譯。利用的力量,在許多當今最流行的視訊顯示卡,更流暢的視訊播放和更快的編譯的GPU(圖形處理單元)。Sony Vegas Pro12充分利用了GPU的視訊效果,過渡,合成,平移/作物,軌道運動,和編碼。改善的硬體配置檔中使用適當的GPU裝置,時間表的效能得到顯著改善。更高解析度的多重效果預覽現在可以在Sony Vegas Pro12,編碼等流行格式AVC多達6倍的速度比以前的版本。Sony Vegas12使用來自AMD,NVIDIA和Intel的OpenCL™支援的裝置,充分發揮你的創意。支援GPU裝置

輕鬆燒錄到藍光光碟的高清晰度電影直接從Vegas Pro時間線。

勞顧會調整,讓您操作在實驗室中的彩色(L * A * B * L *,A *,b *)色空間。
增加亮度/ A / B直方圖,讓您分析您的視訊在實驗室(L * A * B * L *,A *,B *)彩色空間。
(修剪)按住Shift鍵或Ctrl + Alt + Shift鍵(相鄰裝飾),同時拖曳事件的邊緣,忽略事件分組的快速削減J和L。
增加了單流剪輯PMW-TD300 3D連結「選項,PMW-F3,相機支援的三維自動配對的附加_L及_R左,右眼剪輯名稱。
新增支援新OpenFX GPU編譯延伸為第三方GPU加速的效果。

現在,您可以預覽音訊通過支援AJA,Blackmagic Design視訊預覽裝置。

繁體切邊:按Alt + [或Alt +]修剪所選事件的開始或結束的游標位置。
您可以按Ctrl + [鍵和Ctrl +]以瀏覽選取的事件在時間軸上,或按Ctrl + Shift + [和Ctrl + Shift +]建立時間選取從選取的事件。
Sony VegasPro容許你符合您的項目的視訊剪輯的視訊效能:
新增靜止圖像格式的閱讀取向的元資料支援。如果靜止圖像包括方向的元資料,圖像將被導向正確新增到Vegas Pro時間線。 「媒體屬性」對話框的下拉清單中的旋轉方向的元資料表示。
若要變更音效,在Windows的「控制台」,點選「音效」。點選「音效」索引片,並擴大在Vegas Pro的12.0項目。當您選取「編譯完整的事件時,你可以預覽的電流聲,配置一個新的音效,或關閉編譯完整的音效。
現在,您可以從Vegas Pro項目檔案匯入媒體。

新增支援英特爾快速同步視訊加速編譯索尼AVC / MVC使用支援英特爾處理器。
加入索尼AVC / MVC和MainConcept公司AVC / AAC格式的藍光光碟呈現模板。
增加了支援AVCHD 2.0。
增加呈現HDCAM SR(SSTP)的視訊編譯為「對話框中使用索尼的MXF HDCAM SR格式的支援。
新增支援松下P2檔案的閱讀和瀏覽P2裝置與裝置資源管理器「視窗中。 DV,DVCPRO,DVCPRO25,DVCPRO 50,DVCPRO-HD和AVC-Intra格式的支援。


VideoMaker Award
Vegas Pro 12 overview
Vegas™ Pro 12 is an integrated, forward-thinking production environment designed for a new generation of creative professionals. Combining a familiar track-based timeline with hundreds of thoughtful workflow innovations, Vegas Pro 12 is a refreshing, modern approach to post-production. Supporting more formats, more workflows, and more creative control than ever before, Vegas Pro 12 makes it easy to deliver your message and express your artistic vision.

Innovative editing tools
Edit SD, HD, 2K and 4K material in 2D or stereoscopic 3D, with drag-and-drop functionality or traditional 3-point and 4-point editing modes. The Vegas Pro 12 interface provides an impressive array innovative tools and thoughtful touches, with a fully customizable workspace for accomplishing a wide range of production tasks. Nest Vegas Pro projects within the timeline, customize and save keyboard commands, and use application scripting to automate repetitive tasks. The new Expanded Edit Mode temporarily splits the track at the edit point and enables you to dynamically add or remove frames from either side of the edit point while the media is playing, creating a highly precise, interactive editing experience.
More about video editing



Powerful effect and compositing engine
Combine up to 32 high-quality, keyframeable effects per Effects Chain and apply them at the Event, Track, Media, or Project level. Vegas Pro 12 uses an advanced plug-in architecture based on the OpenFX standard, for hundreds of optional effects from leading visual effects plug-in VFX developers. Parent-Child tracks and sophisticated 2D and 3D compositing modes provide a powerful, flexible effects environment. Shape Masking tools and FX Masking capabilities are new for Vegas Pro 12, along with the Color Match plug-in, to quickly match the color characteristics from one clip to another.
More about video effects and compositing

See Vegas Pro in action
Producer, director, editor, and music composer Chris Brickler has dedicated his life to making what he calls “meaningful content.” Brickler is the founder of Xlantic, a London- and Los Angeles-based production company that works with fortune 500 companies to create compelling video and audio projects. When he first began using Vegas Pro for his video projects, he quickly discovered the application’s powerful audio tools and turned to Vegas Pro for all of his audio productions as well. He creates highly ambitious music videos and records and edits the music as well as the video in one single application: Vegas Pro.


Watch the Chris Brickler Showcase


Watch the Love in the Circus video (YouTube)
Project interchange
Import and export a wide range of project files to and from Vegas Pro 12. The built-in software can convert between the native .veg file and AAF, for Avid® ProTools®, XML for Apple® Final Cut Pro® 7, Final Cut Pro X (export only) and DaVinci Resolve 8, and .prproj for Adobe® Premiere® Pro CS6 and After Effects® CS6.



Titler Pro 1.0 from NewBlueFX
Create high-quality titles with Titler Pro 1.0, a full-featured titling application from NewBlueFX. Titler Pro enables users to add animations, professional-style templates, and effects to their title sequences. Work in real-time with GPU-accelerated effects and transitions, and easily move text on the X, Y, and Z axes within the Vegas Pro 12 workspace. With 2D and 3D capabilities, Titler Pro 1.0 is the perfect addition to the stereoscopic 3D toolset.

Designed for performance
64-bit operating systems are the best choice for high-end performance. By focusing exclusively on 64-bit operating systems, Vegas Pro 12 overcomes many of the limitations of legacy 32-bit software/hardware architecture, enabling users to enjoy superior performance and improved stability for memory-intensive projects and formats.

Working with OpenCL™ supported devices from AMD and NVIDIA, Vegas Pro 12 leverages GPU acceleration for video FX, transitions, compositing, pan/crop, track motion and encoding, providing a significantly faster workflow. GPU acceleration streamlines the video editing experience in Vegas Pro 12 by providing playback performance gains and faster rendering times, ideal for industry professionals who work on tight deadlines where every second counts.
More about GPU acceleration



Create breathtaking stereoscopic 3D projects with the same ease and agility as the Vegas Pro 2D workflow. Vegas Pro 12 provides the ability to easily import, adjust, edit, preview, and output stereoscopic 3D media — all using industry-standard professional delivery formats including single or dual files with side-by-side, top/bottom, or line-alternate encoding. Anaglyphic monitoring and output are also supported. Stereoscopic Auto-Pairing allows bulk pairing of stereoscopic 3D subclips on the timeline, with the ability to automatically pair stereoscopic 3D media created with the Sony PMW-TD300 or a pair of PMW-F3 cameras using the 3D Link feature.

Superior audio control
Access unlimited audio tracks, 24-bit/192 kHz audio, punch-in recording, 5.1 surround mixing, effects automation, and time compress/expand, while applying customizable, real-time audio effects like EQ, Reverb, Delay, and more. Expand your audio processing and mixing options with supported third-party DirectX® and VST audio plug-ins. Vegas Pro 12 includes support for new 64-bit versions of Sony's Noise Reduction 2.0, Wave Hammer, Acoustic Mirror, and more. Use the Mixing Console for precise audio control, with sample-based accuracy.
More about audio production



Broad format support
Vegas Pro pioneered the concept of format-native editing, and the latest version continues that legacy by supporting today's most popular camcorder formats including XDCAM™, NXCAM, AVCHD, HDCAM SR™, DSLR h.264 QuickTime® and RED®. New for version 12 is support for Panasonic P2 DVCPRO and AVC-Intra media. Projects can now be encoded to HDCAM SR MXF files, for pristine quality edit masters.
More about the Vegas Pro 12 Capture and Import

Powerful Blu-ray Disc™ authoring
Burn movies to Blu-ray Disc directly from the Vegas Pro 12 timeline for high-definition delivery. Use DVD Architect Pro software (included with the Vegas Pro 12 collection) to author DVD or Blu-ray Disc projects with subtitles, multiple languages, and numerous playback menus. Preview and test your work in real time. Import layered Photoshop® .PSD files for buttons and other graphic elements. The MainConcept AVC encoder now supports variable bit rates up to 40 Mbps and average bit rate of 25 Mbps, for better HD quality than ever before.
More about Blu-ray Disc authoring


Vegas Pro 12 system requirements
Microsoft® Windows Vista® 64-bit SP2, Windows 7 64-bit, or Windows® 8 64-bit operating system
2 GHz processor (multicore or multiprocessor CPU recommended for HD or stereoscopic 3D)
500 MB hard-disk space for program installation
4 GB RAM (8 GB recommended)
OHCI-compatible IEEE-1394DV card (for DV and HDV capture and print-to-tape)
USB 2.0 connection (for importing from AVCHD, XDCAM EX, NXCAM, or DVD camcorders)
512 MB GPU memory
Windows-compatible sound card
DVD-ROM drive (for installation from a DVD only)
Supported CD-recordable drive (for CD burning only)
Supported DVD-R/-RW/+R/+RW (for DVD burning only)
Supported BD-R/-RE drive (for Blu-ray Disc™ burning only)
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.51 (included on application disc)
Apple® QuickTime® 7.1.6 or later for reading and writing QuickTime files
Internet Connection (for Gracenote MusicID Service)

GPU-accelerated video processing and rendering require an OpenCL™-supported NVIDIA®, AMD/ATI™, or Intel® GPU with 512MB memory or more. (please see the GPU acceleration page for more detailed specifications and driver requirements)

You must provide your registration information to Sony Creative Software Inc., a US company, in order to activate the software.

Starting at US $599.95


Download Free TrialOverview

OverviewVegas Pro 12 resources

Sony Vegas Pro 12: A Quick Look at a New Standard in Video Editing

"With a laundry list of upgrades and improvements, Sony Vegas 12 Pro continues to be one of our favorite multimedia editors. Anyone who is using something older than Vegas 11 will see tremendous benefits in render speed, compatibility, and overall functionality."  Ken Brown, Legit Reviews Go » All Reviews »

Sony Vegas Pro 12 – Professional Editing for PC

"Vegas Pro 12 was fun to cut with." Jeremiah Hall, doddle Go » All Reviews »

Adding Closed Captioning to your Vegas Pro project

In this article, we'll take a look at how you can create both CEA-608 and CEA-708 format closed captioning for your video projects. Go »

An introduction to Vegas Pro 12

In this webinar we take a look at the new features in Vegas Pro 12. While we won’t have time to touch on every new feature, we’ll give you a good feel for what Vegas Pro 12 has to offer. Go »

Vegas Pro 12

An update to Vegas Pro 12 software was posted on April 5, 2013. Go »

Supercharging your edits with automation

If you're not already using automation techniques in your projects, you're missing out on an important dimension in your editing work. Go »

Vegas Pro 12 – Rethink Editing

"Vegas Pro 12 is a serious piece of kit, and squares up tot he daily challenges of the professional producer." Craig Hopkinson, SoundWrx Music Go » All Reviews »

Hit Film integration with Vegas Pro 12 and Movie Studio Platinum 12

While Vegas™ Pro 12 and Movie Studio Platinum 12 contain plenty of powerful compositing tools that cover many of your compositing needs, sometimes you need more. That's why we've worked very closely with the good people at FXhome to create tight integration between Vegas Pro and Movie Studio Platinum and their HitFilm products. Go »

Sony Vegas Pro 2012

"Sony Vegas Pro is an extremely powerful, professional-grade, non linear video editor. When I compare Vegas Pro to competing software in the dimensions of value for the money, feature set, and ease of use, I give it a 4.5/5.0 star rating." Patrick Vogt Indy Media Artists Go » All Reviews »

iZotope Presents: Dialogue & Audio Tips for Vegas Pro 12

In this free webinar, quickly learn techniques that can boost and enhance the dialogue and audio in your video project. Go »

What's New in Sony Vegas Pro 12?

"(Project Interchange Tools) are a major boon to editors as they can now work with any studio using these compatible tools." David McKnight, Streaming Media Producer Go » All Reviews »

Sony Vegas Pro 12

"Delivered the goods." Eugenia Lolo, Eugenia's Rants and Thoughts Go » All Reviews »

Sony Vegas Pro 12 Review

"Quick turn projects using a variety of media are ideal for Vegas." Rick Spence, funkyfresh Go » All Reviews »

Sony Creative Software Vegas Pro 12 Advanced Editing Software Review

"Vegas Pro 12 can be a real champion for your editing needs. Those who want a professional editing program without fuss should give Vegas Pro 12 a look." Tony Gomez, Videomaker Go » All Reviews »

BEST Advanced Editing Software 2012

"Best Advanced Editing Software 2012. Vegas Pro 12 can do it all." <em< em="" <="" videomaker="">Go » All Reviews »</em<>

Introducing Vegas Pro 12

Vegas™ Pro 12 introduces an impressive number of new features that make the software more powerful than ever. With over 40 new features, you're sure to find several that make big improvements to your workflow. Go »


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